Hello Clementina, please tell us about yourself and what your background is? What did you study?
Hello lovely Maude, thanks for thinking of me !
I am Italian, from Milan, where I lived up until I had to go to university. I then moved to the USA and went to college both at Georgetown University in Washington DC for undergrad Marketing studies and Parsons School of Design in NYC for Fashion Design. Since then I moved about a lot, always chasing creative internships, start-up ideas and a crave for travelling: so I made Buenos Aires, Cape Town and now London my homes for a bit.
What sort of drawings do you do?
I specialise in watercolours, a technique I learnt when I was little and that always remained my favourite. Today I use it for painting my collections of stationery designs that I sell on my webiste, as well as bespoke projects for all sorts of ocassions and events : a baby’s birth, a new home, a brand launch, a wedding, etc..
Who are your biggest inspirations? Are they from your travels or something else?
I am a keen observer, always focused on particular details and especially nature. I adore catching every expression, movement and particularity of animals and plants. So, yes, I would say I am lucky to keep witnessing all expressions of nature thanks to my travels, draw inspiration from them and be able to propose new design compositions that truly fit a client’s story, origins, surroundings.
Where do you showcase your watercolours and drawings?
I have recently launched my new website clementinasketchbook.com ! After two years of exclusive bespoke only client work, I have been dreaming of desiging my own ready-to-write collection of stationeries that is just a click away from clients, so I created a virtual space that is full of watercoulours all round, to showcase all my ideas as I keep releasing them !
Otherwise I also have a fun and colourful instagram page as well ! (@clementinasketchbook)
What are the current trends in the art or fashion world that interest you the most?
That will be the movement towards sustainability and environmentalism for sure. I believe no brand will survive the next years of fashion, luxury and not, without a strong effort of working toward innovating their products, systems and production towards a more sustainable approach. Demand for it is continuously growing, and it is my hope that i twill continue becoming a strong enough pressure for it to be seen as strategic, innovative and necessary across all fields. Hopefully this mission will remain reselient to the current crisis…
Where do you see Clementina sketchbook in a few year’s time?
I love this questions ! Lots of ideas in my head everyday for Clementina Sketchbook, although for sure I am aiming at growing my ready-to-buy collection across many a paper product (wallpapers, tabble sets, children accessories..) as well as across life-style products that will keep teaching me about new techniques, materials and keep the creativity flowing !